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Stay Strong Collection

Stay Strong Collection


This design has been something I've wanted to do for a long time, it's been something that has stuck with me for many many years.


Stay Strong was something that was said to me in 2005 by Roddy Piper, it became a bit of an emotional experience as I felt like he ended up being more of a father figure and role model to me growing up than my actual father. He kept telling me to Stay Strong in life and kept mentioning it to me while we talked and hugged it out. He signed some things for me and one of the signatures he put "Stay Strong".


Everytime I feel defeated, having a hard day, or think I can't keep going I remeber those words and move forward; always doing my best to Stay Strong for myself and those around me.


-Jonny "Rowdy" Ruckus


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  • When Does my Item Ship?

    ruckus tees work on a pre-order system. All clothing items go on sale the 1st of the month for 12 days. All clothing items go into the production schedule the day after sales end. Our lead time provided is 14 business days after the sale timer has ended. this does not include weekends or holidays.


    In a very short time all order are printed and shipped to their homes.

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© 2022 by RUCKUS TEES created by Jonny Ruckus

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